Tired of Feeling Like You’re Not Enough?
If you're a mom feeling OVERWHELMED and
you're not alone.
Despite all the Pinterest ideals of perfection, studies show that nearly half (49%) of moms feel burnt out by motherhood. This massive statistic means one thing,
we get to SHOW UP different.
You'll get to connect and engage with other mommas doing life in the messy middle.
- the undone hair and unshowered body MESS.
- the laundry pile and dirty dishes MESS.
The mundane matters.
Along the way we will walk with you as we...
-maximize the grace and opportunity to feel more peace on this journey of
It’s Time To Upgrade Your Motherhood
An ENCOURAGING and PERSONALIZED community of women SUPPORTING each other along the MESSY journey of AUTHENTIC MOTHERHOOD
THE M.E.S.S.Y. Momma Sisterhood
Learn how to disconnect from the EARTHLY noise around you and tune in, to an ETERNAL way of mothering. We will have:
- Daily community
- Weekly teachings
- Monthly studies
- Quarterly gatherings

Attitude of Gratitude Workbook
12-page workbook to help you simplify a system promoting more peace in your days.

Mind Traffic Book
An exceptional book about communication, so you can learn how to control what you think, believe, feel, and decide in motherhood and beyond.

Declutter & Discover Course
Four week course where you declutter your external environment to discover your internal excellence.
($297 value)
Kori Messer
is a Jesus-loving wife, mom & CEO.
She empowers women to be God-driven leaders who shine light upon darkness, so the next generation is better off than the current one.
As a result of working with Kori, people discover their voice and use it to release the strongholds in their life. This provides the freedom to choose how you spend your time and whom you spend it with.
She is all about helping people acknowledge their value, discover their voice and claim victory over their life. This is how she's helped thousands of clients: lift each other up, empower one another and really start living as they were designed to.
Her expertise has presented opportunity to speak and present on stages across the U.S.A. and help facilitate life changing experiences along the way.
Kori is a natural encourager who activates mommas to contribute where they’re called by amplifying their voice to establish an abundant, multi-generational , Kingdom legacy of FREEDOM.
"Kori is such a builder upper and sees the good in all God's kids!"
"I love Kori's teaching style and her real life examples are really helpful."
Have you ever felt like you wanted more support in motherhood?
Wouldn't a little ENCOURAGEMENT letting you know your efforts are APPRECIATED be nice?
If so, then the M.E.S.S.Y. Momma Sisterhood is definitely for you.
You can be an overwhelmed mom or a mom just looking to gather with other moms.
We will meet you where you are as we do life together.
Join me on a journey of imperfect action, messy authenticity and raising tiny disciples.
If you aren’t completely satisfied with your MESSY MOMMA MEMBERSHIP, just cancel you're membership (you won't be billed for the next month) and you can keep all the BONUSES as our thank you for checking us out.